Need something TOTES cute to carry around all that Christmas shopping? Today get $5 off all tote bags in my Society6 shop, as well as (of course) free shipping worldwide. Yay!
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Duvet Covers
Ever fancy a robot duvet cover, but didn’t know where to look? Good news – today’s deal from Society6 is $10 off all duvet covers, plus free shipping worldwide. Look no further 🙂
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‘7 Days of Deals’ from Society6
Hi All,
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a post because I’ve been busy with motherhood. I’m still here, and this week Society6 is offering ‘7 Days of Deals’ just in time for Christmas. Time to stock up on some Lindsay Anne designs 😉 Check out today’s deal – $5 off apparel, plus free shipping worldwide!
Here’s a reminder of some of the gems you can select from:
Stay posted for tomorrow’s deal! Happy shopping,
-Lindsay Anne
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Got Craft? Holiday Edition
I had a lovely time today at the the annual holiday edition of Got Craft? at the Maritime Labour Centre in Vancouver. All of the talented and hard-working vendors were full of good cheer as they sold a wide range of original items including artisan chocolate, personalized cutting boards, hand-made dolls, baby moccasins, cozy knitwear and much, much more! A full vendor list can be found online on the Got Craft? website, but below you will find a small selection of just some of my many favourites.
From left to right:
Row 1: soy candles in vintage glasses, by Little Wren Designs; Ian the bear by Thistle Town Toys; Lace cupcake boxes, by Glusk Designs; one of a kind textile necklaces by Hold Handmade
Row 2: hand made dolls by Fait Pour Toi; Canadian province – shaped cutting boards by Love My Local; hand made cowls by Pip & Pin
Row 3: salted caramel chocolate cupcakes by Bake Sale; this year’s Got Craft swag bag design – illustration by The Beautiful Project; resin earrings by Roxypop; hand-made chocolate bars by Cocolico
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Shop Lindsayanne!
I’ve just made some of my illustrations available for purchase via Society6! A selection of my hat illustrations and A-Z fruits + veggies are available as art prints, or in a variety of fun items such as pillows, iPhone cases, greeting cards, and t-shirts! Check out my profile at
If you are interested in seeing any more of my illustrations made available for purchase, please let me know!
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Got Craft? – recap
I just spent a lovely weekend enjoying the many beautiful and diverse creations from the vendors of this year’s Got Craft? holiday edition. The market moved to a new location this year, the Croatian Cultural Centre on Commercial Drive. The new location allowed for a larger space and more vendors, making the market even more exciting than previous years. Here is a sampling of some of my favourites (can you tell I favour the jewellery?)
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A Crest for the Best
It’s my significant others’ birthday today, and to commemorate the event I made hime a crest with his favourite things: bacon, beer and a computer chip (his choices – not mine). A very happy birthday to you, Geoffrey!

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Beautiful Knitted Gifts
My sister-in-law Yuni surprised me today with 2 knitted cushion covers that she has been working on for the past few weeks. She has only very recently started knitting and crocheting, with frankly amazing results. She created these two gems with my particular style and colour scheme in mind, and they are spot on. What a wonderful girl.
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Hats, hats, hats!
I recently used some of the illustrations from my A to Z of Hat Styles App to create unique and economical Christmas gifts for my friends and family. With inspiration from my friend Caileigh Speck, who directed me to the wonderful services of Ali at Buttonhead, I created a collection of illustrated pocket mirrors. I then packaged them up quite simply, and handed them out come holiday time. It was a fun project, that was well received and easy to do. Take a look!
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Christmas Revisited
After a flurry of visits and seemingly endless roast dinners, I am at last able to sit back and take stock of the last few days. This includes looking over some of the wonderful gifts I received from my very dear friends and family. Here are a few of the brilliant presents exchanged in our household this season:
Handwoven wool blanket from Mom:
My very talented Mother has been knitting and crocheting beautiful items for years, but this Christmas she pulled out all the stops and wove some absolutely gorgeous blankets for me, my sister, and my Grandmother. Each blanket was carefully planned to suit the style of its intended recipient. A truly lasting and heartfelt gift; well done, Mom!
Personalized Jones Soda bottle from Elias:
My brother-in-law conspired with my baby nephew to give me a unique and fun prezzie: personalized Jones Soda bottles, featuring a photo of Elias and a special message from him to his Auntie. Very cute.
Gift pack from the Regional Assembly of Text
My brother had a bit of a mix up with the postage while trying to mail me a package from overseas, the result being that my present will now arrive in the new year instead of last week. Being the dear that he is, he sent me a wonderful last-minute gift pack from the Regional Assembly of Text, so that I would have something to open on Christmas day. It included these Flashcards of a Nonsensical Nature, which are very entertaining and have some wonderful illustrations. He knows me well.