Ever fancy a robot duvet cover, but didn’t know where to look? Good news – today’s deal from Society6 is $10 off all duvet covers, plus free shipping worldwide. Look no further 🙂
Duvet Covers
For those of you who need to add a little 'ahhh' to your desktop, I've done up some Elias the Hedgehog...
I just spent a lovely weekend enjoying the many beautiful and diverse creations from the vendors of this...
It just keeps getting better and better! Today only - 20% off all rugs and shower curtains in my
In honour of my nephew's first birthday a little while ago, I have written, illustrated and designed a...
I've just made some of my illustrations available for purchase via Society6! A selection of my hat...
I had the very great pleasure of spending this past weekend watching 2 of my favourite people tie the...
I just finished up a logo design and packaging project for my friends at
I spent this past weekend on Vancouver Island with my parents, who live in the beautiful Cowichan Valley....
I've been working on and off again on this little illustration project for a while. I loved doing my
It's my significant others' birthday today, and to commemorate the event I made hime a crest with his...
Need something TOTES cute to carry around all that Christmas shopping? Today get $5 off all tote bags in...
After a flurry of visits and seemingly endless roast dinners, I am at last able to sit back and take...
I'm not really one to buy into the whole Valentine's Day hoopla, but I do love hearts. So here's one for...
I have recently joined forces with my brilliant brother to transform one of my previous print projects...